Algorithm for iPhone Jailbreak
In HackingDowngrade to 4.0.1 to be able to jailbreak using ““
1. Download the 4.0.1 firware for your device and save it to your desktop
- Most of the time the file will be zipped (I have given instructions later in this article on how to change a .zip file to an .ipsw easily)
2. Download the program TinyUmbrella (Google it) and save it to your desktop
3. Connect your device via USB
4. Run TinyUmbrella
- When TinyUmbrella opens and detects your device it will automatically see that you are on 4.0.2 or which ever firmware that you are using
- Check the box that says Advanced Options
- Leave the ECID box alone and in the Device/Version box choose from the list the device that you are using as well as the firmware that you want to be on
- If the request from box does not say Cydia, choose cydia there
5. Click the Save My SHSH button at the top
6. Start the TSS Server
7. Now go to your host file (this, to some, may be the hardest part…I’ll tell you how to find it on Windows XP)
- Click on Start > My computer, double-click your C:Drive, then ‘Windows > System 32 > Drivers’ folder and finally the ‘etc’ folder
- Open ‘hosts’ with a text editor (say, notepad)
- Scroll down to the bottom of this file and you should see some numbers, followed by spaces, and followed by the words ‘localhost’
- Delete anything after this and copy and paste this: right below the numbers and the words ‘localhost’
- Go to file menu and save it (be sure you are logged in as an administrator)
8. Make sure TSS Server is still running and if it isn’t, then restart
9. Open iTunes
10. While holding down the Shift-key, click on the Restore button
11. Search your desktop for the firware that you downloaded and double click it
12. Choose ‘Restore’ from the box that pops up and let your device restore itself
13. Once it has finished restoring, 9 times out of 10 you will get an error message, but DON’T PANIC!
14. Go to TinyUmbrella and choose the box that says Kick Device Out of Recovery, this should then allow the iPhone to reboot normally and you will then be on the firware that you chose to be on.
1. Click Start > Control Panel, on the left there will be a small light blue area that says “Switch to Classic view”, switch it
2. Double click folder options
3. Click on the ‘View’ tab and scroll down until you see ‘Hidden files and folders’
4. Scroll further down until you see the words ‘Hide extensions for known file types’, it is located right under the ‘Show hidden files and folders’ option
5. Make sure that there is no check mark next to this and if there is then click the box to remove it, Press OK
6. Go back to your Desktop and Right-click on the .zip file of the firmware
7. Rename the file by changing its extension to .ipsw
8. Answer yes to the box that pops up and you’re done!
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