Career Fair “Career Fest 2011 – The next step”
In BlogI am writing to you on behalf of the Association of Muslim Professionals (AMP) – a platform for all Muslim professionals and willing volunteers to share their knowledge, intellect, experience and skills for the overall development of Muslim Community and further empowering Muslims in the educational, social, political and economical front of life.
We, Anjuman -i- Islam and Association of Muslim Professionals (AMP) are organizing a two-day Career Fair – Career Fest 2011 in collaboration with Urdu Markaz, Leap India Foundation, Urdu Head Masters Association and All India Ideal Teachers Association (AIITA) (Media Partners: Urdu Times,, Win TV) on Sat 15th & Sun 16th January 2011 at Saboo Siddik Engineering College Campus, Mumbai.
The Fair is targeted towards providing the right direction and guidance of teachers, professionals and other experienced counselors, to both parents and students regarding the unlimited career prospects available after SSC and HSC.
We want the Career Fest – 2011 to be a one-stop shop for all education needs with Seminar on Latest Topics, Participation of Professional Counselors and guidance from Experienced Professionals providing directions on various career options, information on various government schemes through workshops and interactive discussions.
We expect an audience of 12000-15000 students, parents and teachers from all over Maharashtra. We are cordially inviting you to kindly come ahead and volunteer your services for this noble cause. Your participation is the key for the success of this event.
We have the following avenues for participation:
i) Event Promotion: Contact – Shanul Sayed: (M) – 9619927532
We need volunteers to help us create awareness about the event in and around their respective areas in group or individual capacities as well. This would include setting up banners & Hoarding, distribution of pamphlets and general word-of-mouth publicity.
ii) Professionals Arrangement: Contact – Asif Dange: (M) – 9324491517
Working in a professional environment, we need support in terms of arranging for professionals to be able to come down during the Career Fest and guide students in their respective professional fields. Guidance is required in terms of what are the vocations to be pursued, qualification, eligibility criteria, how to prepare for the courses and secure admissions, what to expect in the actual professional work environment.
iii) Event volunteering: – Contact – Farid Khan: (M) – 9320054711
We would require volunteers to help us with on-ground activities like supervision of stalls, professionals, counselors. Managing the ground facilities including hall seminars, workshops, attendees and guests.
iv) Fund Raising: – Contact – Syed Najeeb: (M) – 9320078955
Aamir Idrisi: (M) – 9323792205
This is one of the most critical functions of the event. We need volunteers to assist in Stall Selling, and getting sponsorships for the event. The organizations related to the education sector can be asked to rent the stalls at the Career Fest event. This includes getting corporate to sponsor the event as title sponsor & Co-Sponsor.
Further information about talks and panels can be found on the AMP web site