Hydrogen to Power Future iPhones?
In BlogIn the future, Apple might be using hydrogen to power its iPhones and iPods. Batteries as you know them may become a thing of the past for your Apple products as the company hopes to use hydrogen cells to produce lighter batteries that could last for weeks. The company is staying on the cutting edge as they have recently submitted applications for patents to create new energy sources for their products. The filings that the company submitted seem to have rather bold promises of allowing electronics to run for days or weeks without having to be recharged.
If they are successful, Apple’s new hydrogen battery would be lighter than today’s technology and could last up to weeks between charges, revolutionizing how society uses their gadgets. Admittedly, this feat will not be successful – even Apple acknowledges that “[i]t is extremely challenging to design hydrogen fuel cell systems which are sufficiently portable and cost-effective to be used with portable electronic devices.” At first glance, it’s hard to not wonder at the advisability of using a process that produces water as a byproduct when charging an electronic device. But, perhaps Apple already has something up their sleeve on that one.
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