HTC HD2 gets Mango RTM & Easy Package Updates
In DevicesYou likely know the HTC HD2 as the phone that just can’t be held in the past. While it started life with Windows Mobile 6.5, it’s since met better fortunes with Android, Meego, and most recently… NoDo. Now, after the leak of Windows Phone Mango RTM, things are about to heat up once again. First, we’ve come across a video that clearly shows the HD2 gobbling up version 7720 of this tropical fruit without missing a beat. Also, xda-developers members YukiXDA and xboxmod are preparing to release their own concept ROM based on this release. Both projects are currently held back by the OS’s inability to properly recognize the phone’s microSD card, but that seems to be the final step before a full scale release. If you’re interested, check the video after the break and make sure to bookmark the source link. Life is about to get a whole lot more interesting for your HD2.
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